It was a glorious day. You slept 11 1/2 hours last night and played happily in your crib after you woke up. You gave me snuggles and hugs and kisses. And then you gave me a special Mother's Day nap -- over an hour and a half! What more could a momma ask for?
You are the best gift I have ever been given. I love you a million trillion bazillion godillion. And even more than that.
We went out for a special brunch today -- just you, me and Daddy. And then the plan was to plant a Mother's Day tree together in our front yard so we can watch each year as you and the tree and your little brother or sister all grow up together.
But we got sidetracked with a little red wagon. It was a random thought today but we went with it. And it turned into Daddy's big project. He was on a mission. I can't really say it was smooth sailing. But after 2 trips to Walmart, runs to 2 different Targets and a long time in the car stuck in a traffic jam, we got your wagon. And boy was it worth it. You LOVE that thing. And there is nothing, and I mean nothing, in the world that makes me happier than to see you lit up with joy. I think Daddy really knew how to make my day. Did I mention he also dusted, cleaned the bathroom and made the formula today? Your daddy is a good man.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I really am the luckiest lady in all the world. And I am so honored to be your mother.
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