Monday, May 25, 2009

Dear Avery -- 8 months old

Dear Avery,

You are becoming such a big, beautiful, curious little lady. You love balls, dolls, water bottles, remote controls, cell phones, books, hairbrushes and anything that makes music. And of course your mommy and daddy. You are so cuddly these days and so sweet. 

In fact you are a lot of things lately that I couldn't say you were a month or so ago. Mostly you are just happy. It's what I've been wanting for you for so long. And dare I say it -- you are even easy. 

See, sweetheart, you are finally getting the sleep that you need. You wake up from your naps full of energy and smiles and you play quietly in your crib until I come to get you. If I didn't have the video monitor I'd probably think you were still sleeping. But I get to watch you -- sitting up talking to your dolly, reading your book and clapping your binkies together with joy. There are no more tears. None. It's such a beautiful thing. 

It was a tough road to get you here and I doubted myself many times. But I know now that I've given you a precious gift and it was the best thing I could have done. I think you know it too. I swear you love me even more these days. You give me hugs and kisses and cuddles. There is nothing better in the whole wide world. 

And we don't butt heads anymore. You give me time to shower and clean and cook and get everything else done so that when nap-time is over I get to do nothing but play with you. It's my best part of the day.

We solved our stroller problem too. We take wagon walks now instead and you LOVE it. You play with mommy's water bottle and eat your ritz crackers and smile at everyone in the neighborhood and babble away the whole time. You are in your glory.

You bring me so much joy. I love you so much.



  1. There truly is nothing like a mother's love for her daughter. Our oldest turns 5 tomorrow. It goes by too fast. Ejoy all these precious moments!

  2. I happened upon your other blog, and I was struck by how much we have in common. I am an early childhood educator (I've taught Pre-K, Kindergarten, first grade, and now, third grade). I, too, had a miscarriage at 9 weeks, and I have gone on to have two beautiful children. Our first, Alice, was very much planned, and our second, John David, was a wonderful surprise. They are sixteen months apart, and I am enjoying every minute with them!

    This comment is longer than I had planned...sorry! Best of luck to you and your beautiful family!
