Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dear Avery -- 3 1/2 months old

Dear Avery,

Yesterday you had your very first big BUMP. You hit that beautiful little head of yours on the family room floor. HARD!!! You screamed bloody murder. Even a dance with your daddy in the mirror didn't make you all better.

It wasn't like I had my back turned or anything. We were playing together on your playmat. I was holding your hands! But still, it happened. And boy did I feel terrible. I'm your mother -- isn't it my job to protect you???

The answer to that, I'm afraid, is yes and no. Unfortunately that won't be your last bump in life. I wish I could spare you from all pain, but the reality is you will have your fair share of skinned knees, stubbed toes and broken hearts just like everybody else. I can do everything in my power to cushion your falls (and I will!) but I can't always stop you from falling.

What I can do, though, is hold you close, rock you in my arms and kiss away your tears when you do fall. That's what I did for you yesterday. 

And it's what I will do for you forever and ever. I love you so much sweet girl.


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